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SAVE JOLIBA! Help us so we can give help!

JOLIBA is 18 years old and for all these years we have been giving help to people from Africa and Afro-Germans in Berlin.
Since we do not receive any financial support from the State it has been very difficult to continue our work.
heres the link to donate online: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/save-joliba-help-us-so-we-can-give-help/x/9040737

We give assistance to immigrants, refugees and their families in Germany. For twice a week we offer free German and computer courses.
Currently we have an activity center in Görlitzerstr 70 and one office in Manteuffelstraße 97 in Kreuzberg, Berlin. We have to pay the rent for both places and are out of money.

We can just be here because we have volunteers willing to continue this very important project.

For the last year our demand of work has been increasing even though we have lack of support. The cause is the recent crisis in Southern Europe, which made lots of people loose their jobs. They are without work and without hope. Theses African people saw a light at the end of the tunnel coming to Germany. What they did not know is how bureaucratic the system here can be and how difficult it is to settle down.

Many of them have no place to sleep and no food to eat. We really want to give them the help they need and deserve. With the winter coming soon it becomes even more difficult for them living on the street. The reality is that the State was not ready to receive such a big number of people coming to Germany and now these immigrants are suffering a lot. Not only men but women and even whole families.

These €5.000 euros will be enough to cover three months of rent. We will be happy and grateful if you can help us and even more if we could exceed that amount!

Come to visit us and get to know what we do!

If you have any doubts do not hesitate to contact us!


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